Software Testing Magazine – Testing Circus May 2015 Edition

Software Testing Magazine – Testing Circus May 2015 Edition is out. This is the 56th edition of this software testing magazine.
I am reading a book called Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel laureate and one of the top thinkers in economics and psychology. One of his research areas which he along with late Amos Tversky first theorized is called anchoring effect. Anchoring is a cognitive bias that describes the common human tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered when making a decision. During the decision making process, anchoring occurs when individuals use an initial piece of information to make subsequent judgments. Once an anchor is set, other judgement are made by adjusting away from that anchor, and there is a bias toward interpreting other information around the anchor. Anchoring effect is described in details in his book Thinking Fast and Slow.
I am happy to announce that our analytical data show that world’s top 5% testers read Testing Circus magazine and of those top 5% testers, 99% feel that this is the best magazine available for software testers. Thank you readers for your support and voting us as the best software testing magazine. Now, would you be interested to write an article for us? Your article has the potential of reaching top 5% testers in the world.
Well, I just tried to anchor your mind with those made up statistics. Don’t believe in such anchoring techniques used by advertisers and other manipulators. Use your testing mind. Although, writing for Testing Circus is still a good idea.
Interestingly the same book Thinking Fast and Slow is mentioned by Erik in his interview and also Michael has taken inspiration from this book in his article published in this edition. I suggest you all read this book. That’s all for today. Happy testing!
– Ajoy
Download a free copy of Testing Circus May 2015 Edition, read, share with testers. Some awesome stories in this edition –
- Interview with Erik Davis by Srinivas Kadiyala
- Thoughts of a Certified Professional – Mike Talks
- The Backbone of the Performance Engineering Process – Alexander Podelko
- Fresh Ideas Come from Experience and Deliberation – Michael Larsen
- The Story behind the Mobile App Testing Book – Daniel Knott
- Sudoku, Software Testing and Multiple Techniques – Ajay Balamurugadas
- Top 5 Server Level Vulnerabilities You must Know – Nagasahas DS
- A Fake Software Tester’s Diary, Part – 53
- Testers to Follow
- Book Worm’s Corner
- Mistakes Committed In Selecting A Test Management Tool
- Zephyr For JIRA Hits The Cloud To Simplify Agile Testing
- Review Of Test Management Tool qTest From QASymphony
Testing Circus May 2015 Edition – Download free pdf, read and share with testers. Don’t forget to give us feedback in comment section.
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#Want to publish your article on Testing Circus? Theme for the next edition. EditionsMonthly PDF Edition,Software Testing Magazine,Software Testing Magazine pdfSoftware Testing Magazine - Testing Circus May 2015 Edition is out. This is the 56th edition of this software testing magazine. I am reading a book called Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel laureate and one of the top thinkers in economics and psychology. One of his...Ajoy Kumar SinghaAjoy Kumar Singha[email protected]AdministratorAjoy is the founder and editor of Testing Circus magazine which is read and subscribed by thousands of professional testers around the world. He is associated with various testing forums such as NCR Testers Monthly Meet as a founding member. Follow Ajoy on Twitter.Testing Circus
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